Funny Office Awards: A Hilarious Way to Recognize Employees

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Funny office awards for employees are a fantastic way to add some humor and camaraderie to the workplace. These awards can be tailored to the specific personalities and quirks of your team, making them a unique and memorable way to show appreciation for their hard work and dedication.

From the “Most Likely to Spill Coffee on the Boss” award to the “Best Office Prankster” award, there are endless possibilities for creating funny and meaningful awards that will bring a smile to everyone’s face.

Funny Office Awards Categories

Recognizing the unique personalities and contributions of your team, these humorous award categories are designed to celebrate the quirks, talents, and spirit of your workplace.

By acknowledging the funny side of office life, these awards foster camaraderie, boost morale, and create a positive and lighthearted work environment.

Most Likely to Brighten Your Day

This award goes to the employee who consistently brings a smile to the faces of their colleagues. They are known for their infectious laughter, witty remarks, and ability to lift spirits even on the most challenging days.

Office MacGyver, Funny office awards for employees

This award is given to the employee who can solve any problem with a paperclip, a rubber band, and a stapler. They are the go-to person for quick fixes and creative solutions, always finding ingenious ways to make things work.

Master of Caffeine Consumption

This award recognizes the employee who powers through the day on an endless stream of coffee. They are the office’s resident caffeine enthusiast, always ready with a fresh brew and a steady hand for pouring.

Best Dressed for Zoom

This award is for the employee who consistently impresses during virtual meetings with their impeccable style. From perfectly tailored suits to creative backgrounds, they always manage to look professional and put-together, even from the comfort of their home office.

Office Meme Master

This award goes to the employee who has a knack for finding the perfect meme for any situation. They keep the team entertained with their hilarious and relatable posts, bringing a touch of humor to even the most mundane tasks.

Award Criteria and Selection Process: Funny Office Awards For Employees

Funny office awards for employees

To ensure fairness and impartiality, a rigorous set of criteria will be used to evaluate nominees and select the ultimate winners of each award.

The selection process will be conducted in a transparent and inclusive manner, involving a combination of voting and nominations from both employees and management.

Voting Process

  • All employees will be eligible to vote for their preferred candidates in each category.
  • Votes will be cast anonymously through an online platform to maintain confidentiality and prevent any bias.
  • The top three candidates with the highest number of votes in each category will be shortlisted for the final round.


  • Employees and managers can nominate individuals who they believe exemplify the award criteria.
  • Nominations will be reviewed by a selection committee composed of senior management and HR representatives.
  • The committee will consider the nominations and select the final nominees for each award.

Award Presentation Ceremony

The award ceremony should be a fun and celebratory event that recognizes the hard work and dedication of the employees.

The ceremony can be held in a variety of formats, such as a luncheon, dinner, or even a casual gathering. The atmosphere should be relaxed and informal, with plenty of opportunities for employees to socialize and network.

Creating a Fun and Engaging Experience

  • Incorporate games or activities into the ceremony to keep attendees entertained.
  • Invite a guest speaker or comedian to provide entertainment.
  • Set up a photo booth where employees can take pictures to commemorate the event.
  • Provide plenty of food and drinks, and consider having a cash bar.
  • Encourage employees to dress up in costume or formal attire.
  • Play music in the background to create a festive atmosphere.

Award Design and Production

The design of the awards should reflect the spirit of the event and the values of the company. They should be visually appealing and unique, while also being cost-effective to produce.

When selecting materials, consider durability, aesthetics, and cost. Acrylic, metal, or wood are all suitable options. Colors should be bright and eye-catching, but not garish. Shapes can be creative and fun, but they should also be appropriate for the award category.


  • Acrylic: Lightweight, durable, and available in a variety of colors and finishes.
  • Metal: Durable, elegant, and can be engraved or etched with intricate designs.
  • Wood: Natural, warm, and can be stained or painted to match any decor.


The colors of the awards should be bright and eye-catching, but not garish. Consider using the company’s brand colors or colors that reflect the theme of the event.


The shapes of the awards can be creative and fun, but they should also be appropriate for the award category. For example, a “Golden Hammer” award could be shaped like a hammer, while a “Superstar” award could be shaped like a star.

Award Display and Recognition

The physical display of awards serves as a constant reminder of the recipients’ accomplishments and inspires others to strive for excellence. Consider the following ideas:

  • Create a dedicated display case or trophy cabinet in a high-traffic area, such as the lobby or break room.
  • Mount plaques or certificates on walls in common areas, such as the reception area or conference rooms.
  • Feature digital displays showcasing the awards and winners’ contributions.

Recognition and appreciation are crucial for sustaining motivation and fostering a positive work environment:

  • Announce award winners at company-wide meetings or events.
  • Send personalized emails or letters to award recipients, expressing gratitude and highlighting their contributions.
  • Provide opportunities for award winners to share their experiences and insights with colleagues.

Concluding Remarks

Funny office awards for employees

Whether you’re looking to boost morale, celebrate achievements, or simply add some fun to the workday, funny office awards are a great way to do it. So get creative, have some fun, and let the laughter begin!

Answers to Common Questions

What are the benefits of giving funny office awards?

Funny office awards can help to boost morale, celebrate achievements, and create a more positive and fun work environment.

How do I choose the right funny office awards for my team?

Consider the personalities and quirks of your team members when choosing funny office awards. The awards should be tailored to their specific interests and sense of humor.

What are some creative ideas for funny office awards?

There are endless possibilities for funny office awards. Some popular ideas include the “Most Likely to Spill Coffee on the Boss” award, the “Best Office Prankster” award, and the “Employee of the Month (But Only Because Everyone Else Is on Vacation)” award.

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